Wednesday, June 06, 2007

On things that are better in Europe

In no particular order...
  1. Cheese.
  2. Bread
  3. Public transportation
  4. Museli with chocolate (ask Joy)
  5. House wines at restaurants
  6. Grocery stores (think 4-wheel steering on carts!)
  7. Cell phones
Now, to be fair, there are some things lacking:
  1. Air conditioning
  2. Ice
  3. Inexpensive anything (well, except bread, cheese, wine and apparently Red Bull)
That's pretty much what I've observed over the course of my last few trips.

On another note: tacos with Gruyere cheese? Really tasty. Who would have thought. Bleu d'Auvergne cheese from our local farmer's market on fresh-baked bread from the same farmer's market? Out of this world.

Check out where we're going for my birthday: The Omnia in Zermatt. Whoooo!

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